Wat is mijn BMI

Overweight is a risk factor to get certain conditions (co-morbidity), like cardiovascular diseases, slaapapnoe syndrome, high bloodpressure, artritis, cancer and others. Body mass index (BMI) helps to estimate the grade of overweight for an grown-up 18 tot 70 jaar. Risk of co-morbidity is described by World Health Organisation. How can you calculate it yourself? If you weigh 100 kg and you are 200 cm high, your BMI=100/2/2, dus 25 kg/m2.

  • 18.5-24.9: normal weight;
  • 25-29.9: overweight; light risk of comorbidity
  • 30-34.9: obesity; moderate risk of comorbidity
  • 35-40.0: obesity; strong risk of comorbidity
  • Above 40: morbid obesity: very strong risk of comorbidity
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